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3 Articles

Trump Arrives in Georgia, This Time Urging GOP Voters to Go Out and Vote

by Brennan Bobbie

Since Georgia GOP voters believe the elections were rigged, Trump found it necessary to convince his Goober State supporters to vote in the senatorial election . Winning the Georgia senatorial election is critical for the Republican Senate, because if senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler lose their seat, the GOP will lose majority control of the Senate.

Georgia conservatives were encouraged by Lin Wood, a pro-Trump trial lawyer to do away with the runoff elections. Wood alleged that the Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is under China’s payroll and is allowing foreign intervention to take place in the US’ national election. To his 730,000 followers, Wood tweeted last Saturday not to vote for Senators Perdue and Loeffler since the outcome of election runoff has already been pre-arranged.


Trump had to personally campaign to the two GOP Senators, he asked those who attended the rally not to listen to his friends; but instead urged them to go to the election polls to vote for Loeffler and Perdue.

Trump Continues to Blame Republican Georgia Governor for His Loss in the Georgia Election

In addition, Trump blames the Georgia Governor and Georgia’s Secretary of State, both Republicans, as responsible for his loss in the Georgia elections; saying the two officials did not verify signatures to ensure that only legal votes were counted. Trump is actually mad at the two GOP state officials as they did not disagree to contentions of fraud and manipulation as no proof was presented to support such claims.

In his defense, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp said he already explained to the president that signature audits have been conducted three times: in November 20, November 24, and December 3. The results only reinstated their confidence that the state election process had counted only legal votes during the presidential election but still resulting in a Trump loss.

As Trump Stokes Racism and Violence, Is the Worst Yet to Happen if He Loses?

by Brennan Bobbie

Part of Trump’s campaign strategy includes inciting his die-hard supporters to commit acts of violence, which could get worse if he fails in the election. Not one who easily accepts a lost battle, Trump is apparently prepping up his league of white supremacist followers on the courses of action to take should Joe Biden win the U.S. presidency.

Why is Trump Promoting Violence?

Trump is already sending out messages that the only way Joe Biden will win the election is by way of a rigged election. Since he has already provoked racism and violence in different major cities, it will not be hard for him to rouse his hooligans to continue with what they have been doing in case he loses his position.

That way, Joe Biden will be faced with greater problems to make it harder for him to launch whatever plans are in line to solve the country’s economic and social problems.

In fact Trump is encouraging violence among his supporters, promising to pardon them in case their acts lead to imprisonment.

Trump is Actually Fueling Racial Tension

Morality is not in Trump’s vocabulary because he is openly fueling racial tension between African Americans and white Americans. His responses to the Kenosha shooting clearly shows his sense of right and wrong is not the appropriate place. The Kenosha incident was about an unarmed African American named Jacob Sheldon, who was shot 7 times in the back at point blank rage by a police officer.

Although Trump visited Kenosha, he only did so as part of his Wisconsin campaign sojourn. He refused to speak or meet with Jacob Sheldon’s parents nor even expressed any words that could alleviate their grief as their son now lies paralyzed because of the shooting.

Instead, Trump added insult to injury by referring to the Kenosha shooting incident as a mistake that police officers commit when under pressure; comparing the shooting action as a reaction similar to missing a putt in golf. He rationalized further that the violent incidents arising from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests are just parts of conspiracy theories against him and his presidency.

To make his show of contempt for the BLM movement even more obvious, Trump defended a 17-year old teenager who shot two of the protesters who joined a BLM rally seeking justice for Jacob Sheldon. While the 17-year old Kyle Rittenhouse is a resident of Antioch, Illinois, his armed presence at the Kenosha rally meant he came to Wisconsin as one of the many Trump supporters called upon to disrupt the Sheldon protest movement.

Trump made no effort to condemn Rittenhouse but instead defended the young man as one who was only trying to get himself out of a big troub;e that could have killed him.

Nationwide Protests Out Trump as a Coward

by Brennan Bobbie

The Minneapolis protest over the senseless killing of George Floyd that escalated into becoming a nationwide and now a global movement, has outed Trump as a coward. In contrast to this U.S. president’s poor attempt to show leadership by pushing governors to dominate and prevail over protesters, Trump showed only cowardice when confronted with Washington protesters showing up in front of the White House.

He has approved, if not ordered the putting up of walls and concrete barricades to keep Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors away. Since military leaders do not agree to the use of military force against fellow Americans, Trump is counting on AG Barr to install law enforcement officers, including prIson guards, to prevent the protesters from going near the White House.

What the Newly and Quickly Installed Walls and Barricades Mean

Putting up walls and barricades between himself and the BLM protestors only means he is afraid to face the issue. He demonstrated this last Friday, when he spoke at the Rose Garden to announce the withdrawal of the U.S. from the World Health Organization, but nary a word about George Floyd’s death, or of the growing number of demonstrations occurring throughout the country.

Yet, why is Trump showing signs of being afraid? Why did he refuse to talk to George Floyd’s brother? Why is he inciting his supporters and the police force to launch acts of violence that will only fuel the outrage that not only blacks, but people of all color are feeling right now?

Apparently Trump has no clear understanding of what the protesters aim to achieve; of the issue being brought forward, of the people’s call to redress and address the systemic racism that has taken the lives of numerous African-Ameircans. To this U.S. president, George Floyd’s death has no significance. After all he calls the more than 100,000 COVID-19 deaths as his badge of honor, unmindful that most of those who died were people of color.

Let the Walls Built Around the White House Serve as His Prison

Let the walls be Trump’s fortress and at the same time serve as his prison walls. In time, they will also be his undoing.

Let Trump be afraid for the remainder of his presidency. That way he will also be prevented from holding political rallies that will only drive the wedge of divisiveness among people. Let Trump’s walls drive him to madness, imagining that millions of people out there are out to get him.

At the end of each day, Trump is alone, all by himself and watching several TV news programs all at the same time. Is that how the leader of a powerful nation waging trade wars against China, shows strength against a formidable leader like President Xi Jinping? He must be cringing at the thought that other world leaders are once again laughing at him.

Actually, other world leaders are not laughing, they are denouncing Trump’s show of poor leadership over the handling of the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests spurred by the merciless killing of George Floyd.
